Date Sun, Apr 10, 2022


The most important factors that help non-native speakers learn Arabic

There is no doubt that teaching the Arabic language is one of the most important jobs that requires its holder to have complete knowledge of all branches and aspects of the language, in addition to possessing the basic skills that help him convey information better, and diversify the use of learning methods to a greater extent.

Learning Arabic is different for Arabs than for non-native speakers. This is due to the fact that Arabs use many Arabic terms in their speech in general, depending on the different dialects practiced by each Arab society. However, the situation is different for non-native speakers who do not have any knowledge of the structure of the Arabic sentence, as well as their lack of understanding of many meanings and vocabulary.

Therefore, teachers who wish to teach Arabic to non-native speakers must possess the capabilities that qualify them to work with this category of students, which is represented by the teacher having a good level of the student’s mother tongue, and it is also preferable for the teacher to have an academic certificate in the Arabic language.

Educational qualifications required for Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers

Some Arabs practice teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. Without an in-depth study of the rules of classical Arabic, or a superficial reading of some books on teaching the Arabic language, it is therefore preferable for the student to choose a teacher who has an academic qualification in the subject of the Arabic language; to ensure that he possesses the basics of the language and its correct rules.

Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher who is about to teach Arabic to non-native speakers to have the basics that qualify him for this, such as: being familiar with the science of Arabic phonetics and its correct articulations, as well as having a large linguistic vocabulary, understanding the most important rules of Arabic grammar and morphology, knowing the types of words, distinguishing between the types of sentences, in addition to how to construct a sentence in classical Arabic.

It is also preferable for the Arabic language teacher to be one of those who have memorized even a small part of the Holy Quran, as it is one of the most important sources of the Arabic language. In addition, he must have the skills to speak classical Arabic fluently and write correctly, in order to establish a distinguished student in classical Arabic.

Skills required for Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers

There are also many teachers who have good scientific material in the Arabic language, but they are not good at conveying information well to their students. This is due to their lack of manycommunication skills that are not isolated from academic studies, and which the teacher needs to study before engaging in the educational process.

Communication skills with students include:

  • - The teacher’s confidence in himself and in his possession of correct scientific material.
  • Strength of character in managing the educational session without leaving the students.
  • The ability to change the style of the educational session ; to prevent boredom; and to avoid the student feeling monotony.
  • Mastery of the scientific material that the teacher conveys to the student.
  • Be patient with the student in explaining his point of view and the difficulties he has in understanding.
  • Controlling emotions with students, and trying to understand the key of each student, to convey the information to him in the easiest ways.
  • Manage class time objectively among all students, and listen to them well.
  • The ability to identify each student’s weaknesses, in order to work on strengthening them.
  • Possessing a cultural aspect to help the teacher communicate the scientific material in a simpler way, through the presented examples and cultural and social concepts.

These skills help the teacher succeed in his educational mission, in addition to increasing the students’ interest in learning classical Arabic , and greatly raising the level of trust between them.

Steps to follow before starting the process of teaching non-Arabic speakers

It is not normal for anyone to start his work before determining its purpose, and he must also prepare the tools that help him to start this work, so that he does not encounter any problem while performing his job, and the same applies to the Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers , who must prepare in advance the curriculum of the educational lessons in a thoughtful and organized manner.

Therefore, the teacher needs to prepare and equip everything he needs during the educational process, arrange the classes in advance, and try to manage time well. We can divide the steps of preparing the scientific material by the teacher into several sections:

  • - Determine the goals that the teacher wants the student to achieve through the educational lessons.
  • - Setting standards that achieve the educational objectives set above by the teacher.
  • - Applying the targeted standards in the form of scientific material, questions, and exercises.
  • - Dividing the scientific material by the number of educational classes.
  • - Determine the appropriate time for the educational session to deliver information and achieve the targeted standards .
  • - Use appropriate language to communicate the required scientific material.
  • - Applying communication skills and different learning strategies and methods such as pictures, videos, and audio clips during the educational session.
  • - Periodic evaluation of the student during and after the educational session.
  • - Evaluation of the student’s mistakes, and continuous training on weaknesses.

Read more about: Learn about Arabic language teaching methods for non-native speakers

What should be taken into consideration by the Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers

The teacher who is about to teach Arabic to non-native speakers needs to take into account several aspects of the students, which will help him to achieve the lesson’s intended goal, while avoiding the problems of differences in ideas and beliefs with the students. These aspects are:

  • Psychological aspect:

Which constitutes the largest part of the educational process, as the teacher’s intelligence is crystallized in understanding the psychological dimension of the student in reaching understanding and comprehension between them, due to the psychological comfort that prevails between the student and the teacher, and thus the student’s mind accepts any information presented to him by the teacher.

  • Cultural aspect:

The teacher must take into account the cultural dimension of the student , so that he gives him examples of models that represent his culture, not the Arab culture that he may be ignorant of, and also avoid ideas that are not compatible with the student.

  • Social aspect:

It is preferable for the educational process to be carried out by presenting the scientific material and acting on it, away from the customs and traditions of the society in which the teacher lives, and selecting matters that are socially common to all societies and peoples, such as cleanliness, helping people, practicing sports, and the importance of education.

  • Religious aspect:

It is preferable for the teacher to avoid the religious aspect of the student, and he has the right to use verses of the Qur’an within the framework of the cognitive aspect, such as giving examples in constructing sentences, explaining the rules of the Arabic language, and understanding the deep meanings.

  • Scientific aspect:

It is also necessary for the teacher to know the scientific side of the student, by determining his educational studies; to take them into account when presenting examples closest to his level in the educational class, as well as knowing his grade if he is in the study phase; so that the teacher does not pass his educational level with examples greater than his stage.

  • Student intelligence:

The teacher must observe the type of intelligence of the student during the educational process , through the way in which he obtains information faster. Intelligences vary between (visual - linguistic - musical - social - emotional - logical - sensory)

  • Student age:

This is one of the most important points that must be taken into consideration before starting the teaching process, because the age of the student largely determines the level of his life experiences, and therefore the language used in the lesson must be appropriate for his age, and not exceed his age and mental stage.

Read more about: Why do we learn Arabic and learning methods? 

Reasons for learning Arabic by non-native speakers

Many non-Arabic speakers are interested in learning Modern Standard Arabic for various reasons, the most important of which are:

  • Desire to acquire the language to communicate with Arab citizens.
  • The desire to acquire the language for the love of it and to please oneself.
  • Trying to work it somewhere.
  • Easy to learn Quran for new Muslims.
  • Learn Arabic to become qualified to study or enroll in a specialization at an Arab university.

Read more about: 5 Tricks to Learn New Languages ​​Easily 

Is Arabic easy?

Is the Arabic language easy to learn ? is one of the most frequently asked questions by many people, and it can be answered in three main axes represented by the parties to the educational process as a whole, which are the teacher, the student, and the educational curriculum. The teacher bears the largest part of the educational process, and the success or failure of the student depends on him. Therefore, he must possess the experiences and mental and material capabilities to help the student reach a better understanding of the Arabic language.

The student also represents the second element of the educational process, and his willingness to acquire information, his desire to learn more through continuous practice of the Arabic language, his consistency in study time, and his motivation to reach the point of learning the Arabic language, which saves him a lot of time, depends on him.

The curriculum is the common factor between the teacher and the student, and the difficulty or ease of the curriculum is due to the previous two factors. Therefore, judging the difficulty or ease of learning the Arabic language is the result of the teacher’s abilities and experiences, and the student’s desire and comprehension, such that if it increases, learning the Arabic language becomes easier, and if it dries up, learning the Arabic language becomes more like symbols and puzzles.

Private Arabic lessons for non-native speakers

In order for the educational process to be successful in all aspects, what was mentioned above must be achieved, in terms of the availability of a teacher with diverse experiences, the desire and passion of the student, and a balanced curriculum, and this is what the bases its training courses on in the form of private lessons for the Arabic language for non-native speakers.

We are always keen to select teachers with specializations and experience over the years in a distinguished manner. We also present the curriculum in a way that suits our students, in terms of their different ages and abilities, taking into account also the appropriateness of the time for each student, and attendance individually to ensure the focus of each student individually.

We also pay attention to the student by following modern learning methods , explanation and continuous evaluation; to ensure that the information is received in a complete and correct manner, in addition to the diversity between the educational class packages in terms of number and cost; to suit everyone according to their needs.

Our website,, divides Arabic learning courses into two types, each of which consists of a group of private Arabic lessons for non-native speakers:

Why is learning Arabic important for non-native speakers?

Learning Arabic for non-native speakers is important for many reasons:

  • Arabic is a widely spoken language : Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, with more than 400 million people speaking it in Arab countries and Arab communities around the world. Therefore, learning Arabic facilitates communication and interaction with these cultures and communities.
  • Arabic is a religious and cultural language : Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran and the language of Islam, and it is the language of cultures rich in history, literature and arts. By learning and understanding Arabic , individuals can understand Arabic religious, literary and philosophical texts, and enjoy the Arab cultural heritage.
  • Business and Trade Opportunities : Arabic is an important part of the global economy, as many international companies and organizations deal with Arab countries. By knowing Arabic, individuals can expand their business and trade opportunities and increase their chances of success in these fields.
  • Cultural understanding and promoting openness : By knowing the Arabic language, individuals can understand and appreciate the culture and traditions of Arab peoples. This understanding contributes to promoting openness, tolerance and peaceful coexistence among different cultures.
  • Government and diplomatic communication : Governments and international institutions exchange messages and information in Arabic, and meetings and negotiations are held in Arabic. Those who are fluent in Arabic can play an important role in government and diplomatic communication between countries.

In short, Arabic is important for non-native speakers because of its widespread use, because it is an important religious and cultural language, because of business and trade opportunities, because of cultural understanding and peaceful coexistence, and because of government and diplomatic communication.

Therefore, we have explained to you everything related to the process of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, and the most important academic and psychological skills and abilities that the teacher must possess, in addition to the importance of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, and how to benefit from it, and we have answered the question: Is Arabic easy to learn? By mentioning the reasons for the degree of difficulty or ease of learning Arabic, and concluding with the importance of learning classical Arabic through private lessons for Arabic for non-native speakers on our website, .

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